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Horses are not machines.

Years ago horses were our mode of transportation. They carried humans into battle, they delivered mail and they brought families to church. They were thought of as a piece of equipment and at the time I am sure many were treated as such. When we look back on history it is easy to feel bad for those horses, feel as if they were done wrong because they weren’t treated like the sweet baby angels they are. The question is, why do we still act is if they are machines? Granted, they may live much cushier lives now with blankets, treats and all the alfalfa they could want but, in many situations horses are still expected to be key operated equipment.

As someone who sells horses it is often assumed that I don’t love the horses as much as someone who does not choose this profession. It’s a false assumption of course. I love horses to my core, always have and hopefully, always will. I have been fortunate enough to have horses from a young age and to have parents that owned and rode horses. I dedicated my life to expanding my knowledge in horses, working and riding for many different horsemen. I have fallen off more times than I could count and escaped some hairy situations a few too many times. I have lost money, blood, sweat, and tears over horses and had the determination to keep on going afterwards. I say all this to put in perspective the amount of time, money and more that I have put into to learning how horses think and work. These years of experience come with me every time I handle a horse as well as every time I swing my leg over one. It is because of these experiences that it never fails to surprise me how upset someone can be that a horse won’t ride or act the same for a less experienced person as it will when it was here under my care. I can’t tell you how many horses we have had come in for sale that I have loved, they rode beautifully and calm as could be. When the new owner gets them home and they have problems they seem to instantly blame the horse if not the horse then the seller. What they don’t think about are those years I have dedicated. Horses are not machines.

As owners, riders, or even just care takers, it should be our responsibility to educate ourselves. Seek help from those that are more experienced and for the love of all things holy stop blaming the horse. Horses are sensitive live beings. The cliche example- horses can feel a fly on their back.. you really don’t think they can feel you tighten every muscle in your body in fear? Think again. Horses deserve better. Educate yourself and #getgritty



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