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Rip the Bandaid.

Good afternoon! I haven’t written in awhile, I would love to say it was strategic but, the truth is.. I just haven’t felt like it. I write because it’s fun and because it keeps me from rambling in person to people that don’t want to hear it.. Lol! Today, I felt like writing so, here it is.

When starting a horse, the first ride is always a big deal. It may not seem like it, and generally the first ride is pretty boring but, that ride determines a lot about the future of that horse. In addition, the accomplished feeling that comes with it for the rider is unlike any other. I have a habit of “tip toeing” through my starting of horses, this is a bad habit and one that I have no become dedicated to fixing. So often when I am putting the first ride on one I will avoid any “triggers”, the back cinch comes off, my spurs are hung on the fence, and I try my very best to keep the whole situation very “safe”. The thoughts that go through my head are similar to “what if he spooks and my spurs bump him, then it will be worse!”.. Spurs come off.. “what if when I sit in the saddle he feels that back cinch pressure and sends hm to a bucking fit”… back cinch comes off…”what if my sweatshirt gets stuck on the horn when I am up there and it makes him nervous”… hoodie comes off… you get the picture. I used to be embarrassed about these thoughts but, what I have come to realize is that I am not the only one that thinks the way, lately I have been challenging myself to change the mental thoughts to “what if you prepared him to move way from pressure of any kind so, spurs are no big deal?” Or “what if you start with the back cinch so later on it isn’t a thing?”. Without fail every time I have tiptoes around one, it makes the day I decide to use the spurs or cinch such a big deal. I encourage you to rip the bandaid off.. it won’t hurt so bad later. Set them up now even if makes the process slower, in the end, you will be thankful.

This is pretty true of life along with training horses I have learned. Whether you are a people pleaser that is analyzing what someone said to you or a scared employee wanting to ask for a raise… if the situation is set up correctly, rip the damn bandaid. It may work in your favor or it may not but, you won’t know until its done and then you can move on with your life accordingly. If you are looking for a sign, this is it!! #getgritty



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Iv’e learned there is so many things you can want but, without hard work achieving them is next to impossible… 

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