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What is your budget?

Photo by Crescent Studios

This is the question that for some reason seems to bring up so much stress. Whether you are buying a horse or a couch, chances are you have a number you want to stay under when it comes to spending. As someone who sells horses, when I am first contacted by someone shopping I immediately want to ask them what their budget is. Not because I plan to change my horse’s pricing, I just don’t want to waste either of our time by sending information on horses that are out of budget. The problem is, the simple question “what is your budget?” seems to be the most difficult to ask. I am to the point now where I just spit it out and if people don’t want to tell me then it is what it is but, it would truly save so much time and effort if everyone was honest. I understand that it can be awkward or embarrassing but, if you’re that embarrassed by your budget that tells me that you yourself think it is too low for what you are asking.. if that is the case why not wait and save to have a budget you feel confident about? Without fail, every month or so there will be an in search of post in one of the Facebook groups. Someone will be searching for a $20,000 horse on a $5,000 budget or something of similar differences. There is always some sort of drama in the comments of those posts, generally one person telling them they are searching for a unicorn and everyone else commenting back to “keep your head up” or “they are out there, my horse cost me $200 and its the best horse ever”. Now, I am NOT saying that you can’t find a diamond in the rough, I am NOT saying you have to spend obscene amounts of money to get what you want, I AGREE there are horses out there that are in fact unicorns that people are just looking for a good home for or don’t know what they have.

The truth of the matter is, its rare. It is rare to find a $20,000 for way under value. Does it happen? Yes BUT its rare. I am not here to judge anyones budget, I am a bargain hunter from way back but, what I don’t understand is, why would someone stay on the search for a unicorn for months on end in order to stay in budget instead of working towards growing the budget in half the time? I understand people are busy and life is expensive but, to be honest, making a little extra money here and there is not all that hard. I am not talking about getting rich, I am sure that is hard.. I wouldn’t know because I haven’t figured it out yet but, what I have figured out is how to have nice horses. If you start with a base price of $5,000 for your budget but you’re willing to wait 6 months or more to find something why would you not try to raise your budget in that time? Jumping to $8,000 alone would help you get a nicer horse and thats only an extra $125 a week, that’s less than groceries. Walk dogs, take on a cleaning job, feed horses, get into digital marketing, take up a craft that you can sell, the world is FULL of possibilities.

I see so often people will settle on a horse that is a terrible fit for them just because it is in their budget.. would you buy a pair of pants 2 sizes too small just because they were cheaper? I would hope not. Why do that to you or the horse? People like this are sale barn’s favorite clients. They go in with $5,000 buy a horse that the barn knows they won’t like or get a long with and without fail a few weeks later they are bringing the horse back in for the sale barns super great “exchange policy”. If the client is lucky they will only have to spend another 1-2,000 on their new one plus the trade in and it will be the horse for them. Unfortunately, more often than not these clients end up having to do this another 1-2 times before finding the right one and OH LOOK now that client has spent $5,000 OVER their original budget. Why? Because they didn’t have the grit or patience to wait, work and save. I guess to finish out my rant I will just say, if you are not confident in your budget its time to be smart and most of all #getgritty



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